What’s actually in use – week 21

“… On a crowded beach washed by the sun He puts his headphones on His modern world revolves around The synthesizer’s song Full of future thoughts and thrills His senses slip away He’s a European legacy A culture for today …” Hi my dear analog lovers, Sun. spring, songs and founatin pens. I am sorry for…

Adrian Waddington -The Creative Calligraphy Sourcebook

Dear Readers, As I can see you are really interested in calligraphy books, so I will present you a third book (after Don Marsh – Calligraphy and David Harris – The Art of Calligraphy, which short reviews you can read here Don Marsh and here David Harris) mostly for beginners, but as usual advanced calligraphers may also find…

David Harris – The Art of Calligraphy

Dear readers, Calligraphy in today’s world is not a completely forgotten skill. Moreover, many people (no matter what age) are trying to write not only using computer keyboard, but also (sometimes sterted with special occasions) with more traditional instruments like pens, brushes or even pencils. Today I want to present a book which may help to start improving…

Don Marsh – Calligraphy

Hi All, I know how difficult is to write beautifully, but almost everyone can do it. Really. Maybe except me. It demands only “Double P” – practice and patience. If you could find and allocate for practicing at least 15 minutes each day, at the latest after few months you will see amazing results. But…